Lachlan Petras' 3d Printed Sculpture
We helped Lachlan to 3d print this sculptural object. This was strategically split and 3d printed in parts to make a clean and almost seamless end result.
Visit Lachlan Petras' site

Architectural Forms
Complex architectural forms are more easily represented accurately with 3d printing. These forms have been generated through algorithym to mimic biological forms and patterns. These are then physically realised with the aid of 3d printing.

A variety of 3D Printed objects that the 3DPE Team has enjoyed making.

The Zew
The Zew
The Zew - 3d Printed Public Art
These 3d prints were unusual as they involved multi-coloured 3d printing. This technique can lead to interesting and attractive 3d printed objects useful for aesthetic or marketing purposes.
The Zew - Its a Jungle out there.
Visit TheZew.com for more

3d Printing Replicas
Cosplay and Replicas co-exist with 3d printers in a mutualy beneficial relationship.

Yew.TV Bling
Custom marketing material can lead to some intriguing results. We printed some satirical promotional material for the Yew.TV team.
Check out Yew.TV